Canada Clumping Cat Litter — One Of The Best-Selling Cat Litter Brands!

Canada Clumping Cat Litter is made from sodium bentonite, a type of clay that absorbs and clumps quickly upon contact with liquid, making cleaning up after your cat easier than ever!

With its unique ability to absorb large quantities (x3.5 more), Canada Clumping Cat Litter’s high absorption capacity allows it to be more cost-effective as compared to traditional litter.

Canada Clumping Cat Litter also features fast absorption rates which helps to lock in unpleasant odours more quickly, leaving your house smelling fresh and clean.

By quickly clumping upon contact, cat owners will be able to easily sieve out the used litter, leaving behind only clean, unused Canada Clumping Cat Litter for your cat’s next trip to the litter box.

Canada Clumping Cat Litter is made in Canada with safe, non-toxic materials and comes in three different scents — Unscented, Baby Powder and Lavender.

Canada Clumping Cat Litter — One Of The Best-Selling Cat Litter Brands!
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Canada Clumping Cat Litter — Convenient & Easy To Maintain!

Canada Clumping Cat Litter makes maintaining your cat’s litter box easy and convenient!

1) Fill your cat’s litter box with approximately 4 to 5 inches deep of Canada Clumping Cat Litter.

2) After your cat uses their litter box, sieve through the litter and dispose of the clumps. Make sure to do this once daily to keep their litter box clean and fresh!

3) Refill the litter box with Canada Clumping Cat Litter after disposal (maintaining the level of litter at 4 to 5 inches).

Canada Clumping Cat Litter — Convenient & Easy To Maintain!