Pooch & Mutt

Pooch & Mutt delivers a variety of health-focused, natural dog food and supplements. Tailored to specific canine needs, their range includes grain-free, junk-free options, and calming chews. With an ethical approach, they stand out for creating products that support your dog's well-being, championing nutritional value over mass-market convenience.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What sets Pooch & Mutt apart from other pet product brands in the market?

Pooch & Mutt stands out in the pet product market through its commitment to producing ethically sourced, natural, and grain-free products designed to support the overall health and wellbeing of pets. Their focus on creating environmentally friendly and nutritionally rich options distinguishes them from competitors.

What is the history and mission of Pooch & Mutt?

Founded by Guy Blaskey in 2008, Pooch & Mutt's mission is to provide pets with nutritional, healthy food and supplements that benefit their health and happiness, while also emphasizing ethical production and sustainability. The brand aims to offer products that improve the lives of pets and their owners, focusing on quality and care.

What is the country of origin of Pooch & Mutt and how does it influence their products?

Originating from the UK, Pooch & Mutt's country of origin significantly influences their products through the use of locally sourced, high-quality ingredients. This dedication to British quality and ethical standards ensures their offerings are not only beneficial for pets but also support local suppliers and sustainability.

What range of products does Pooch & Mutt offer for different pet types and needs?

Pooch & Mutt offers a wide range of products tailored to meet various pet needs, including dry and wet food, treats, and supplements. Their products cater to different dietary requirements, such as grain-free, low-calorie, and sensitive digestion, ensuring there's something for every pet.

Does Pooch & Mutt have a signature product or line that sets it apart?

Pooch & Mutt's signature product line includes their grain-free, functional dry dog food, which is formulated with natural ingredients to address specific health concerns such as joint care, digestion, and anxiety. This focus on combining nutrition with health benefits makes their food line stand out.

What do online reviews say about the quality of Pooch & Mutt's products?

Online reviews of Pooch & Mutt's products are overwhelmingly positive, with customers praising the high quality, natural ingredients, and noticeable health benefits for their pets. Many note improvements in their pet's digestion, energy levels, and overall wellbeing after switching to Pooch & Mutt's products.